Budget 2021 should supercharge ‘vape to quit’ smoking cessation programs already well established across New Zealand’s health sector. In fact, adopting one initiative now underway at several NHS hospitals in […]Read More
Characterizing the levels of harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) in the aerosol of e-cigarettes is essential in determining the potential reductions in toxic exposure and associated health risks related […]Read More
Ex-smokers saved by vaping need to offer some personal insights if Smokefree Aotearoa is to be achieved and before the Government takes some very counter-productive steps, says a leading tobacco […]Read More
The new Chief Executive Officer of Philip Morris International vowed to sustain his company’s vision for a smoke-free future in the Philippines at a faster pace with its non-combustible cigarette […]Read More
Consumer advocacy groups in the Philippines expressed alarm over two congressmen’s revelation about multiple attempts by foreign charities to disburse money to government agencies to influence local policies in violation […]Read More
Confirmation that over $1.6 million is being spent on the Vape to QuitStrong campaign is proof the government believes vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool. It’s now urgent […]Read More
Leading medical organizations in the Philippines consider e-cigarettes as potentially harmful and do not recommend them as smoking cessation aids. This position is consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “quit or die” approach—that smokers only have two choices and there is nothing in between—and the global body’s opposition to tobacco harm reduction.Read More