Who We Are and What We Do

24SHARE Updates as the words imply, is both a conveyor belt and an exhibit hall for information—research findings, scholarly tomes, discussion, survey/poll results, policy statements, industry positions, consumer petitions, and other public documents – covering any and all aspects of harm reduction.

We offer free and open space, platform, sounding board, and a clearinghouse for a greater public understanding of harm reduction.

We believe that only through unfiltered, unfettered public discussion can all stakeholders gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the problem.

Solutions and remedies can hopefully emerge from the whole exercise.

Keeping the public informed

It all starts with being in the know. Accurate or factual information is the key. There should be no room for misinformation or disinformation here. All contributed/volunteered entries/items are fact-checked and vetted for authenticity, veracity, and reliability. The whole concept and the entire exercise would be put to naught when wrongful or misleading materials are uploaded. Firewalls must automatically rise and red flags quickly unfurl. In short, all postings must be of unassailable integrity. Absent all these, we lose our right to keep the public informed.

Engage all stakeholders

We aim to keep the platform inclusive to those with legitimate stakes on the issue. This way, all exchanges would be mutually beneficial and reinforcing. By establishing a commonality of goals, all bona fides can participate in the process of remediation. The membership homogeneity would generate both respectability and prestige for the network. It would become off-limits to misguided elements and rogue agents of private interests.          

Expose the dark side

Sunlight both reveals and kills sinister organisms that thrive in the dark. Therefore, we intend to expose all the deceptions, the lies, and the fraud that have been promoted and tolerated to desensitize harm reduction. Indeed, the greatest triumph of evil is the propagation of the notion that it doesn’t exist. Thus, the Big Lie about harm reduction must be smashed with the collective will of all committed stakeholders by answering the call and seizing the day of its demise.

Joining the fight

A massive assembly and unity spell strength. A shared link, a common front is not only formidable; it is unbreakable and unbeatable. A movement forged not only for density but also for intensity is an unstoppable force no immovable object can resist. Join the movement for tobacco harm reduction on all fronts.


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