Strategies that provide smokers with less harmful alternatives to cigarettes are far more likely to reduce smoking than the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommendations to […]Read More
The local affiliate of Philip Morris International (PMI) announced on October 3, 2023 the launch of the next-level tobacco innovation IQOS ILUMA in the Philippines. It is the most advanced […]Read More
There is no evidence that the use of e-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine delivery products serves as a gateway into smoking, according to an international study. The study led by […]Read More
A newly-formed anti-illicit trade watchdog in the Philippines asked sari-sari store owners and other retailers to report to authorities peddlers of counterfeit cigarettes, after a local court convicted two men […]Read More
A regional civil society group asked the World Health Organization’s (WHO) international treaty on tobacco control which will convene its member states in November 2023 to protect, instead of alienating […]Read More
A substantial transition of smokers from traditional cigarettes to reduced risk products (RRPs) such as vapes and heated tobacco will help ease the burden on the public health system, according […]Read More
Consumer advocacy groups revealed that illicit vapes can still be found in e-commerce sites in the Philippines in violation of Republic Act No. 11900, or the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine […]Read More
The top executive of the leading heated tobacco company in the Philippines said Wednesday the passage of the landmark Vape Law in 2022 in a win for public health as […]Read More
The UK Royal College of Physicians’ public health charity group dismissed as myths the assumption that vaping is a gateway to smoking and that vapes are more harmful than cigarettes. […]Read More
Tobacco harm reduction advocates in the Asia-Pacific region lauded UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for taking a pro-science approach to end the smoking epidemic by providing 1 million adult smokers […]Read More