“The WHO is condemning millions of smokers to certain death by denying them the right to safer alternatives. With biased evidence and bad science, its latest report evokes moral panic. […]Read More
An Asia-Pacific consumer advocacy group described the World Health Organization’s recently-released ‘eighth annual report on the global tobacco epidemic’ as another proof that billionaire foundations are more influential on the […]Read More
A University of Otago study that claims the transition from cigarettes to vaping is not as straightforward as many think is not helpful to the many Kiwis desperate to quit […]Read More
A group of legislators in the United Kingdom expressed concern over the influence exerted by Bloomberg Philanthropies on tobacco regulation policies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as the […]Read More
The Philippines Senate is expected to pass a progressive law regulating vaping and heated tobacco products by September this year. “The world is watching as the Philippines Senate looks set […]Read More
Japan’s achievement in reducing smoking rate by 42 percent in a span of just five years through substitution can be model for other Asian countries to address their own smoking […]Read More
A full and frank international panel discussion revealed public attacks on Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) advocates are increasingly personal, derogatory and defamatory. ‘Headlined ‘the battle between innovation and bully tactics’, […]Read More
A renowned Filipino family doctor said vapes and heated tobacco products can provide around 17 million Filipino smokers viable alternatives to cigarette smoking, the world’s leading cause of preventable death […]Read More
The World Health Organization’s attempts to link vaping with COVID-19 have been completely discredited by a significant study out of the United States, says Asia Pacific’s leading Tobacco Harm Reduction […]Read More
Filipino consumer groups asked their Congress to look into a report by an American think tank about Bloomberg Philanthropies’ repeated meddling in the affairs of low and middle-income countries (LMICs) […]Read More