Some 370 respirators are rotting in the Department of Health warehouse after the agency refused to distribute them to hospitals in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic because they were […]Read More
Electronic cigarettes may be an inclusive harm reduction strategy for African American and Latino/Latina (Latinx) smokers, according to the findings of a groundbreaking study. “African American and Latinx smokers experience […]Read More
A fresh round of mistruths about vaping in the media lately will be dealt with head on during a live panel discussion of vaping advocates and experts on Sunday, 6 […]Read More
Three things are needed to advance tobacco harm reduction, according to Maria Gogova, vice president and chief scientific officer of Altria Client Services. “Advance innovation to bring to the market […]Read More
May 31 marks the World Smokefree Day. It’s also the last day for feedback on the Government’s smokefree action plan, with supporters urging submissions and bold action. “Our mission statement […]Read More
Asia Pacific’s leading tobacco harm reduction advocacy group, CAPHRA, says it is deeply disturbed by the World Health Organisation’s recently released ‘Tobacco Product Regulation Report’. It says WHO’s negative […]Read More
Kiwi ex-smokers and vaping advocates will celebrate World Vape Day on Sunday, 30 May – the first since New Zealand legislated and regulated vaping. However, much more effort is required […]Read More
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) welcomed the approval by the House of Representatives of a historic bill that regulates the manufacture, use, sale, distribution, and […]Read More
Example of Heated Tobacco Product The Philippines’ House of Representatives on Monday approved with an overwhelming 192 affirmative votes, 34 negative and four abstentions on third and final reading a […]Read More
Consumer advocacy groups in the Asia-Pacific region under the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) are joining the celebration of World Vape Day on May 30, with […]Read More