Confirmation that over $1.6 million is being spent on the Vape to QuitStrong campaign is proof the government believes vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool. It’s now urgent […]Read More
Leading medical organizations in the Philippines consider e-cigarettes as potentially harmful and do not recommend them as smoking cessation aids. This position is consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “quit or die” approach—that smokers only have two choices and there is nothing in between—and the global body’s opposition to tobacco harm reduction.Read More
Two legislators have lambasted the grant-for-policy tactics employed by foreign private organizations and described them as an assault on the sovereignty of the Philippines. House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Deogracias […]Read More
Asia accounts for the majority of the world’s smokers and also for the most deaths related to the smoking epidemic which remains unabated. Asian smokers, bereft of options, are sprinting—into […]Read More
Consumer advocacy and industry groups asked the Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prove its independence by cutting ties with anti-vaping foundations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies. Vaper Ako, Nicotine […]Read More
A biomedical research expert who has attended to numerous patients suffering from smoking-related heart and lung conditions is now a leading advocate of tobacco harm reduction in Australia. Dr. Alex […]Read More
Consumer advocates and tobacco harm reduction (THR) experts called on the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments in Asia and the Far East (A&FE) to allow smokers to choose safer […]Read More
The Government’s discussion document on ‘Proposals For A Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan’ reveals there’s alarmingly little intention to elevate vaping as a much safer and cheaper alternative to smoking, […]Read More
A regional group of consumer advocates denounced what it called “philanthropic colonialism” perpetuated by well-funded foundations to mislead many countries in Asia and the Pacific into adopting restrictive policies against […]Read More
The Association of Vapers India (AVI) is co-hosting the launch of the Asia Tobacco Harm Reduction report on 18th April 2021 that will tackle the unresolved smoking epidemic in Asia […]Read More