A number of Filipino doctors said the Vape Bill which was approved by Congress to regulate vaporized nicotine products (VNP) such as electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products will end […]Read More
Tags : better alternatives
Consumer and harm reduction advocacy groups in the Philippines appealed to President Rodrigo Duterte to sign the Vape Bill into law after it was overwhelmingly approved by the Senate and […]Read More
The proposed Vape Bill moved closer to becoming a law after the Senate approved it on second reading—a development that consumer advocacy groups said will help the Philippines dramatically reduce […]Read More
Vape shops express support for Senate Bill No. 2239 which aims to regulate the use of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products in the Philippines. Medical doctors joined consumer groups in […]Read More
A renowned Filipino family doctor said vapes and heated tobacco products can provide around 17 million Filipino smokers viable alternatives to cigarette smoking, the world’s leading cause of preventable death […]Read More