Nicotine pouch (NP), a technology-driven product, emerges as a promising solution for smokers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) seeking affordable and less harmful alternatives to combustible cigarettes, according to […]Read More
Tags : Heated Tobacco
Nicotine pouches, a recent innovation in smokeless technology, are rapidly gaining popularity as an alternative to cigarettes, with experts underscoring their potential to significantly reduce smoking rates globally, including in […]Read More
Public health experts said nicotine’s potential therapeutic uses deserve exploration, and it shouldn’t be solely demonized as the culprit behind tobacco-related diseases. Dr. Garrett McGovern, a general practitioner specializing in […]Read More
Adult smokers could see health improvements by switching to modified-risk products like Zyn nicotine pouches, which have recently gained popularity in the United States, according to a former high-ranking official […]Read More
PANAMA CITY–Medical practitioners should learn scientific facts about nicotine and tobacco harm reduction (THR) so they can share proper information with people struggling with smoking, according to public health experts. […]Read More
Tobacco farmers in the Philippines, encouraged by a government roadmap to expand production and the rise of less harmful alternatives to cigarettes, urged officials to champion their livelihood at the […]Read More
International health policy experts called for less stringent regulations on novel nicotine products—like heated tobacco, oral nicotine and vape products—arguing they pose significantly lower risks than conventional cigarettes and could […]Read More
Several countries including the United Kingdom, Japan and Sweden have witnessed a significant decline in smoking rates after embracing innovative smoke-free products like vapes, heated tobacco and snus, according to […]Read More
Quit For Good, a non-profit organization promoting harm reduction in the Philippines, welcomed the United States’ intensified campaign on preventing the youth from consuming nicotine products, but said it should […]Read More
Strategies that provide smokers with less harmful alternatives to cigarettes are far more likely to reduce smoking than the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommendations to […]Read More