Consumer advocacy groups in the Asia-Pacific region under the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) are joining the celebration of World Vape Day on May 30, with […]Read More
Tags : Nancy Loucas
“The Budget’s establishment funding to enable significant health reforms is positive news for those wanting a more centralised, concerted national health effort to achieve the likes of Smokefree Aotearoa,” says […]Read More
Budget 2021 should supercharge ‘vape to quit’ smoking cessation programs already well established across New Zealand’s health sector. In fact, adopting one initiative now underway at several NHS hospitals in […]Read More
Ex-smokers saved by vaping need to offer some personal insights if Smokefree Aotearoa is to be achieved and before the Government takes some very counter-productive steps, says a leading tobacco […]Read More
Confirmation that over $1.6 million is being spent on the Vape to QuitStrong campaign is proof the government believes vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool. It’s now urgent […]Read More
Asia accounts for the majority of the world’s smokers and also for the most deaths related to the smoking epidemic which remains unabated. Asian smokers, bereft of options, are sprinting—into […]Read More
The Government’s discussion document on ‘Proposals For A Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan’ reveals there’s alarmingly little intention to elevate vaping as a much safer and cheaper alternative to smoking, […]Read More
A regional group of consumer advocates denounced what it called “philanthropic colonialism” perpetuated by well-funded foundations to mislead many countries in Asia and the Pacific into adopting restrictive policies against […]Read More
Concerns raised in the vaping industry about shop security could become a wider reality if proposed regulations add more cost and scarcity to vaping products, according to a leading Kiwi […]Read More
Consumers and advocates of safer nicotine products in the Asia-Pacific region will tackle the need for effective public health policy to address the smoking epidemic using the same science and […]Read More