Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA, says the Philippine government should be congratulated for its determination to reflect the will of the people. “The Philippine Senate will be on the […]Read More
Tags : Peter Paul Dator
Nine of ten Filipino smokers believe that the government should pass laws to encourage them to switch to less harmful alternatives to cigarettes, according to a survey recently conducted by […]Read More
“The WHO is condemning millions of smokers to certain death by denying them the right to safer alternatives. With biased evidence and bad science, its latest report evokes moral panic. […]Read More
Registration and participation for the 28 June forum is being strongly encouraged. Interest is building ahead of the 4th Asia Harm Reduction Forum (AHRF). As a virtual event this year, […]Read More
#WVD21 highlighted smoke-free products as ‘the better choice’ to combustible cigarettes. World Vape Day this year is an unprecedented success with social media engagement about the annual global celebration up […]Read More
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) welcomed the approval by the House of Representatives of a historic bill that regulates the manufacture, use, sale, distribution, and […]Read More