Electronic cigarettes may be an inclusive harm reduction strategy for African American and Latino/Latina (Latinx) smokers, according to the findings of a groundbreaking study. “African American and Latinx smokers experience […]Read More
Tags : tobacco harm reduction
A fresh round of mistruths about vaping in the media lately will be dealt with head on during a live panel discussion of vaping advocates and experts on Sunday, 6 […]Read More
Three things are needed to advance tobacco harm reduction, according to Maria Gogova, vice president and chief scientific officer of Altria Client Services. “Advance innovation to bring to the market […]Read More
Asia Pacific’s leading tobacco harm reduction advocacy group, CAPHRA, says it is deeply disturbed by the World Health Organisation’s recently released ‘Tobacco Product Regulation Report’. It says WHO’s negative […]Read More
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) welcomed the approval by the House of Representatives of a historic bill that regulates the manufacture, use, sale, distribution, and […]Read More
“The Budget’s establishment funding to enable significant health reforms is positive news for those wanting a more centralised, concerted national health effort to achieve the likes of Smokefree Aotearoa,” says […]Read More
The Philippines’ House of Representatives on May 19, 2021 approved on second reading a proposed bill that recognizes tobacco harm reduction as a public health strategy by regulating the use […]Read More
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who abstained from smoking or substantially reduced their cigarette consumption by switching to heated tobacco products (HTPs) showed consistent improvements in respiratory symptoms, […]Read More
Smoking rates and tobacco-related diseases and deaths have progressively decreased in countries that have adopted tobacco harm reduction (THR), according to Karl Fagerstrom, president of Fagerstrom Consulting, a Swedish consultancy […]Read More
Confirmation that over $1.6 million is being spent on the Vape to QuitStrong campaign is proof the government believes vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool. It’s now urgent […]Read More