Quit For Good, a non-profit organization promoting harm reduction in the Philippines, welcomed the United States’ intensified campaign on preventing the youth from consuming nicotine products, but said it should […]Read More
Tags : tobacco harm reduction
Strategies that provide smokers with less harmful alternatives to cigarettes are far more likely to reduce smoking than the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommendations to […]Read More
There is no evidence that the use of e-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine delivery products serves as a gateway into smoking, according to an international study. The study led by […]Read More
A substantial transition of smokers from traditional cigarettes to reduced risk products (RRPs) such as vapes and heated tobacco will help ease the burden on the public health system, according […]Read More
The top executive of the leading heated tobacco company in the Philippines said Wednesday the passage of the landmark Vape Law in 2022 in a win for public health as […]Read More
The UK Royal College of Physicians’ public health charity group dismissed as myths the assumption that vaping is a gateway to smoking and that vapes are more harmful than cigarettes. […]Read More
The World Health Organization’s contempt of tobacco harm reduction (THR) jeopardizes the chance of more than a billion smokers globally to switch to less harmful alternatives like heated tobacco and […]Read More
The population of smokers globally increased to about 1.3 billion today despite the strict implementation by the World Health Organization (WHO) of a tobacco control accord that prevents them from […]Read More
The World Health Organization got embroiled in a controversy again after complaints exposed a regional officer’s “racist” and “abusive” treatment of employees, which led to his dismissal from the agency. […]Read More
Companies involved in the nicotine industry are innovating to develop smoke-free products that significantly reduce their impact on health and the environment, according to top executives and researchers. Kevin Peng, […]Read More