International studies have found no evidence that vaping and the use of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs) serve as a gateway to youth smoking and nicotine addiction in the […]Read More
Tags : tobacco harm reduction
“The vaping lies getting peddled in Australia are an outrageous misuse of public expenditure which should be directed towards improving Australia’s healthcare system,” says Nancy Loucas, Executive Co-ordinator of the […]Read More
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) got completely side-tracked when presenting to Parliament’s Health Select Committee on the smokefree bill, says Nancy Loucas co-founder of the Aotearoa […]Read More
“Smoking in Britain is dramatically falling, largely because adults keen to quit have been able to switch to considerably less harmful vaping,” says Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA (Coalition […]Read More
Congress adequately consulted the scientific and medical communities prior to the enactment of the Vape Law which is now described as a major anti-smoking regulation that will provide Filipino smokers […]Read More
“Enacting some of the most progressive vaping legislation in Asia Pacific now makes the Philippines an international leader in effective Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR). It’s a massive wake-up call for […]Read More
“Thankfully, the inconvenient truth about vaping has now landed on the laptops of Australians smashing all the alarmist anti-vaping propaganda health agencies and officials are peddling,” says Nancy Loucas, Executive […]Read More
Malaysia’s legalisation of vape sales remains on the cards after some unexpected twists in Parliament before it adjourned for the country’s imminent general election, says leading local advocacy group MOVE […]Read More
A few dairy owners selling vapes to minors are letting the side down badly and should be prosecuted, says Nancy Loucas, co-founder of Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy (AVCA). Her comments […]Read More
The Philippines’ newly-enacted vape law has strict provisions that aim to protect minors, while helping adult smokers switch to less harmful alternatives, according to top medical specialists. “I fully support […]Read More